Monday, 3 October 2016

Textual analysis of Halloween opening scene.

Textual analysis of Halloween opening scene.

Representation is shown as there is the medium 2 shot scene of two white people, one boy and one girl playing around and having with each other. This gives off a light enjoyable feeling for the audience. This is shown in the scene where the boy and the girl are having fun with each other. The director might have put this there to show us the lighter side of the clip first in order to build suspense.

Furthermore, there was the use of Mise-En-Scene with the use of furniture, the placement of the knives and the flight of stairs to the girl’s bedroom. In the clip we get an example of this with a close up of the boy taking a knife from the draw in order to hurt the girl. The director has done this in a house as knives are more common there.

Moreover, in the movie there are a range of camera shots to give the audience a real experience from watching the clip. This is seen from there being a medium shot of the killer with the male gender being shown at the end. This gives the audience an identity of the boy so that people know who committed the murder.

As well as having this information there is the knowledge on editing that takes place. The editing takes place as one long take. This is seen in the ‘Halloween’ clip from the start till the end.

Alongside this information there are technical/symbolic codes used during the clip. This can be seen as the use of knives, the house, the bushes and the mask. These were used in order for the audience to know there was going to be a murder. The knife shows that danger is lurking around the corner.

In addition to this information there is the knowledge that meaning is conveyed. This is shown in the ‘Halloween’ clip through the use of binary opposition. This was used to allow for the use of light and darkness to come into play. This was used as the light means nothing is happening and everything is going on the way it should be. Light is used to show normal things is taking place, light is also used to build suspense about what is about to happen. The darkness shows the audience that danger is around the corner, there would be a possible killing about to take place. The knife was used for this in the ‘Halloween’ clip. This was how meaning was conveyed in the ‘Halloween’ clip.

In conclusion the darkness and ‘Halloween’ timing of the situation is used. This is shown on the outside of the house during the early and late stages of the ‘Halloween’ clip, where darkness is shown during night time to represent evil and the pumpkins are used to represent Halloween. The message that’s being conveyed is to stay away from bad areas and bad timings or else something bad things are going to take place.

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