Wednesday, 2 November 2016

Use of equipment.

Use of equipment
Cannon HD7000: This was the main equipment used throughout at the production, as it gave us a very clear and vivid recordings which we used and edited later in class. The camera was also very effective in terms of focus, when needed it concentrated on particular objects or characters throughout the film.
Cannon Tripod: This was used to make the filming more stable and we were able to rotate the camera in the most steadiest way. This allowed us to get the more pan shots and this very effective in showing the while setting.
Premier Pro 2016: This was the editing application me and my partner used, this was very effective in cutting out the parts we did not want within the production. It also allowed us to add effects and transitions.
MacBook Desktop: This was used to hold all our recordings throughout the production, it more or less held all the pieces together. It had various applications, access to the internet and also allowed my partner to transfer parts of the production via email or USB drives.
Adobe Photoshop: This was crucial in the making of the film company logo.


Cannon HD7000

Adobe Premier CC 2017


Adobe Photoshop

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Character profile.

Character profile

Ishan Sharma - Ishan is seen as the simplistic innocent and dumb teenager that always gets into trouble. She has the characteristics of a dumb blonde even though she isn't a blonde. She falls into traps easily and can be seen as the teenager that will always get killed in a story or film. Ishan can be seen as and is a victim in the film. This person is 16 years old and comes from India but was born in Great Britain.   

Rachel Barret - This is the loyal friend of Ishan Sharma which can be shown throughout the film. Rachel is also innocent just like her friend Ishan but is not the victim in the story, although she does end up mourning the loss of her friend who was taken away from her which does leave her at a disadvantage in life as she no longer has her but she is still not the victim of the story. She is someone who could have been a victim down to her simplicity but in this film she isn't a victim. This person is 17 years old and comes from Germany but was born in Great Britain. 

Raphael De Niro - This is the evil person on the film, this person is the villain. This person is evil down to the deceit and killing of a innocent teenage girl leaving her family and friends to mourn after her. This person has had a bad history and tends to target teenagers. This person is 21 years old and comes from Japan and Italy but was born in Spain who then moved to Great Britain.

Friday, 28 October 2016

Location recee.

Location recee

This will show the girl Emily coming up the stairs with David and someone else sitting at the top of the stairs.

This will show the front of the school building where all of the characters will appear and will end up going inside of the school building.

This will show the characters leaving the main school building and going into the outside area of the building where the grass and scenery is.

This will show where the characters will leave there belongings, this will also show how one of the male characters will get stuck inside the cupboard.

This will show a long shot of one of the female characters Ishan going into the abandoned shed to take a look. She will then be followed by the horror villain who will end up killing her and locking her body inside of the shed.

This will show the girl Emily telling horror stories to David, this will also show the door opening and closing and there will be a shot of people playing with the lights inside of the classroom.

This will show a medium shot of the girl Emily in the classroom with heavy breathing and someone playing with her hair.

This will show a close up shot of the girl Ishan with her hand going into the door.

This will show the door slamming with everyone screaming for help and banging on the door. 

This will show a long, moving shot of the window classroom. Preferably when the weather is rainy in the evening. 

This will show the class students using the different computers and doing their work, this will show the class students being alerted by the boy David as everyone runs toward the door. 

This will show a shot of a girl Ishan being dead on the floor. 

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Shot list.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Evaluation question 7.

Question 7: Moreover looking back at my preliminary task all the way until the full product I feel like I have learnt how to expand my work from one area to another in order to make it more detailed. The preliminary task is a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This should have demonstrated match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.

Finally I would say I applied all of the skills/rules to my preliminary task. This task is important as it will appear on my blog which I will get marked for. I learnt to add more effects into my work when changing from the preliminary to the final task. For example I added multiple cross dissolves to my final task which wasn't in my preliminary task. I also edited more in my final task than in my preliminary task. I ended up changing the scenery and amount of editing from my preliminary to my final task. For example I changed the setting from the class to the school grounds and I edited out some sound in my final task than in my preliminary task.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Evaluation question 6.

Made with Padlet

Evaluation question 5.

Question 5: I attracted my audience through advertising. This included advertising especially online as most of my audience uses the internet regularly. The advertising included the use of social media such as Facebook and Twitter plus more. I addressed my audience as teenagers as the majority were and I handed out a questionnaire to find out what the audience wanted and what they didn't want in a horror film. My audience wants to see psychological sub-genres, abandoned buildings and jump scares in horror films. My audience wants to hear screaming in horror films. My audience likes psychological storylines in horror films. My audience likes psychological villain characters and innocent victim characters.  

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Evaluation question 4.

Question 4: The audience for my media project will be teenagers from the ages of thirteen to nineteen. This is my target audience.

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Primary research - tally for questionnaire.

Tally for questionnaire

In 'what is your age group?' the tallies are-

In 'what is your gender?' the tallies are-

In 'what is your favourite horror film?' the tallies are-
Rosemary's Baby
The Conjuring
The IT
The Taking of Deborah Logan
Evil dead 3

In 'what sub horror genres do you like most?' the tallies are-

Other (please specify)

In 'what locations makes a horror film really scary?' the tallies are-
Abandoned buildings
Middle of forest
Haunted house
Other (please specify)

In 'how do you watch movies?' the tallies are-
Paid subscription e.g. Netflix
Other (please specify)

In 'what makes a good horror film?' the tallies are-

Jump scares
Slasher aspects
Good narrative
Isolated places
Mysterious villain
Complex characters

In 'on a scale of 1-10 how much do you like watching horror films?' the tallies are-


In 'what do you dislike about horror films?' the tallies are-
Too much blood and gore
Trying too hard to be scary with bad jump scares
Stereotypical tactics like jump scares
Too much blood and violence
The psychological aspects
Cheesy storyline/characters
Characters doing stupid things
Scary scenes

In 'name the worst film you've watched' the tallies are-
Cabin in the woods
Paranormal activity
Plan 9 from outer space
Scary movie
House of wax
The Gallows (2015)

In conclusion from my primary research I learnt that 2 people were aged from 15-17, 7 people were aged from 18-20 and 1 person was aged from 27+. My target audience is from the ages of 13-19. From my primary research I found out that I was fortunate enough to have the majority of people aged from 18-20, even though this doesn't include every age from my primary research. It still includes most of them. This means that the majority of people questioned will fit into my target audience, which means that they will go out to watch my horror film, meaning that revenue should be produced. The majority of people were aged from 18-20.

Furthermore I also found out that half of the people questioned were male with the population for males being 5 and the other half were females with the population for the females also being 5. This shows an equal balance in gender population so making the film targeted and specific for both male and female genders would be a good idea. 

Moreover I found out that 1 person found their favourite film to be Rosemary's Baby, 2 people found their favourite film to be The Conjuring, 1 person found their favourite film to be The IT, 1 person found their favourite film to be Alien, 1 person found their favourite film to be Saw, 1 person found their favourite film to be Orphan, 1 person found their favourite film to be The Taking of Deborah Logan1 person found their favourite film to be Evil Dead 3 and lastly 1 person found their favourite film to be Scream. The majority wrote that The Conjuring was their favourite film.

In addition to this information 4 people found paranormal to be their favourite sub-genre, 5 people found psychological to be their favourite sub-genre and 4 people found slasher to be their favourite sub-genre. The majority wrote that psychological was their favourite sub-genre. 

As well as having this information I found that 2 people saw that a cemetery location made a horror film really scary, 6 found that abandoned building locations made a horror film really scary, 2 found that the middle for the forrest location made a horror film really scary and 1 found that a haunted house locations made a horror film really scary. The majority wrote that abandoned building locations were what made a horror film scary.  

Alongside this information 4 people watch horror films through television, 3 people watch horror films through DVD, 5 people watch horror films through cinema, 6 people watch horror films trough online means and 2 people watch horror films through paid subscription e.g. Netflix. The majority of people watch horror films through online means, this can be taken advantage of, as this could show that people regularly use the internet. This can allow for advertising to be able to take place as adverts can be posted on the internet about the horror film for people to see allowing for people to be attracted to the horror film meaning that they will try to watch the film in the means that they can.

4 people found that suspense made a good horror film, 5 people found that jump scares made a good horror film, 1 person found that slasher aspects makes a good horror film, 1 person found that a good narrative made a good horror film, 1 person found that darkness made a good horror film, 1 person found that isolated places made a good horror film, 1 person found that a mysterious villain made a good horror film and 1 person thought that complex characters made a good horror film. The majority found jump scares to be something that made a good horror film, this is something that I could add to my horror film.

Furthermore on the scale of 1-10 4 people wrote they enjoyed horror films at a scale of 4, 1 person wrote they enjoy horror films at a scale of 6, 2 people wrote they enjoy horror films at a scale of 7 and 3 people wrote they enjoy horror films at a scale of 10. The majority wrote they enjoy horror films at a scale of 4. This could mean that not a lot of people will decide to view the horror film. This could mean there will not be a lot of profit made from the horror film.

Moreover in what people dislike about horror films 1 wrote too much blood and gore, 1 wrote stereotypical tactics like jump scares, 1 wrote too much blood and violence, 1 wrote psychological aspects, 1 wrote cheesy storyline/characters, 1 wrote characters doing stupid things, 2 wrote predictability and 1 wrote scary scenes. The majority wrote predictability. This is something I should avoid to put in my horror film. 

Finally in naming the worst film that you've watched 2 people wrote Cabin in the Woods, 3 people wrote Paranormal Activity, 1 person wrote Plan 9 from Outer Space, 1 person wrote Scream, 1 person wrote Scary Movie, 1 person wrote Thankskilling, 1 person wrote House of Wax and 1 person wrote The Gallows (2015). The majority wrote Paranormal Activity, I could avoid adding aspects of the Paranormal Activity film to my horror film. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Horror film questionnaire.

1.What is your age group?

2.What is your gender?
Other (please specify)

3.What is favourite horror film?

4.What horror sub-genres do you most like?
Other (please specify)

5.What locations make a horror film really scary?
Abandoned buildings
Middle of forest
Haunted house

6.How do you watch movies?
Paid subscription e.g. Netflix
Other (please specify)

 7.What makes a good horror film?

8.On a scale of 1-10 how much do you like watching horror films?
1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9        10

9.What do you dislike about horror films?

10. Name the worst horror film you’ve watched.