Thursday 27 April 2017

Editing stills.

Editing stills

In this editing still there is an image of the start of my horror film Wrong Turning. It shows the two female victims in the top left side of the room as well as showing the other class mates in the rest of the room sitting down on the chairs. It shows an establishing shot of the class room.

In this editing still there is an image of the different frames that make up my horror film Wrong Turning. In the image it shows the different frames which can allow the editor to double click on them which will allow for the clip to be shown in the larger frame above it. This frame is shown in the first editing still I have placed above the editing still that I am writing about now which is the second editing still.

This editing still shows an image of the screen where by the video of the whole horror film of Wrong Turning can be played.

This editing still shows the image of the different editing features that I have added . This includes title sequences, scary music and cross dissolves. The image also shows the different types of editing that can be added. This is shown on the left side of the page seen as a long vertical bar filled with different editing features that can be added. The image also shows even more editing features that can be added on the left side of the page seen as a box. The image shows the length of time that is being used up when the film is running. This is shown across the top of the image.

This editing still shows the different editing features that can be added to the my horror film Wrong Turning. It shows the assembly, editing, colour, effects, audio, titles, libraries and an arrow that when clicked on shows more options. This shows a very good aspect of Adobe Premier as there are a lot of options available for an editor to make changes to their work. At the moment the feature that is being used would be the effects feature as it's highlighted in blue.

This editing still shows the options available for editing features. At the moment the option available is the effects option as it is the only one that has been chosen and highlighted. 

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Use of equipment.

Use of equipment
Cannon HD7000: This was the main equipment used throughout at the production, as it gave us a very clear and vivid recordings which we used and edited later in class. The camera was also very effective in terms of focus, when needed it concentrated on particular objects or characters throughout the film.
Cannon Tripod: This was used to make the filming more stable and we were able to rotate the camera in the most steadiest way. This allowed us to get the more pan shots and this very effective in showing the while setting.
Premier Pro 2016: This was the editing application me and my partner used, this was very effective in cutting out the parts we did not want within the production. It also allowed us to add effects and transitions.
MacBook Desktop: This was used to hold all our recordings throughout the production, it more or less held all the pieces together. It had various applications, access to the internet and also allowed my partner to transfer parts of the production via email or USB drives.
Adobe Photoshop: This was crucial in the making of the film company logo.


Cannon HD7000

Adobe Premier CC 2017


Adobe Photoshop

Tuesday 1 November 2016

Character profile.

Character profile

Ishan Sharma - Ishan is seen as the simplistic innocent and dumb teenager that always gets into trouble. She has the characteristics of a dumb blonde even though she isn't a blonde. She falls into traps easily and can be seen as the teenager that will always get killed in a story or film. Ishan can be seen as and is a victim in the film. This person is 16 years old and comes from India but was born in Great Britain.   

Rachel Barret - This is the loyal friend of Ishan Sharma which can be shown throughout the film. Rachel is also innocent just like her friend Ishan but is not the victim in the story, although she does end up mourning the loss of her friend who was taken away from her which does leave her at a disadvantage in life as she no longer has her but she is still not the victim of the story. She is someone who could have been a victim down to her simplicity but in this film she isn't a victim. This person is 17 years old and comes from Germany but was born in Great Britain. 

Raphael De Niro - This is the evil person on the film, this person is the villain. This person is evil down to the deceit and killing of a innocent teenage girl leaving her family and friends to mourn after her. This person has had a bad history and tends to target teenagers. This person is 21 years old and comes from Japan and Italy but was born in Spain who then moved to Great Britain.

Friday 28 October 2016

Location recee.

Location recee

This will show the girl Emily coming up the stairs with David and someone else sitting at the top of the stairs.

This will show the front of the school building where all of the characters will appear and will end up going inside of the school building.

This will show the characters leaving the main school building and going into the outside area of the building where the grass and scenery is.

This will show where the characters will leave there belongings, this will also show how one of the male characters will get stuck inside the cupboard.

This will show a long shot of one of the female characters Ishan going into the abandoned shed to take a look. She will then be followed by the horror villain who will end up killing her and locking her body inside of the shed.

This will show the girl Emily telling horror stories to David, this will also show the door opening and closing and there will be a shot of people playing with the lights inside of the classroom.

This will show a medium shot of the girl Emily in the classroom with heavy breathing and someone playing with her hair.

This will show a close up shot of the girl Ishan with her hand going into the door.

This will show the door slamming with everyone screaming for help and banging on the door. 

This will show a long, moving shot of the window classroom. Preferably when the weather is rainy in the evening. 

This will show the class students using the different computers and doing their work, this will show the class students being alerted by the boy David as everyone runs toward the door. 

This will show a shot of a girl Ishan being dead on the floor. 

Thursday 27 October 2016

Shot list.